Car carriers

We provide professional solutions for the entire automotive supply chain in accordance with the highest safety and quality standards.

Our network is made of modern and professional logistics centers in Bucharest and Craiova, which are designed for cars and trucks brought from all over Europe.

The advantages of working with Dumagas

  • We transport cars and vans with modern equipment, Mercedes/Renault EURO 6 tractor unit and Eurolohr trailers, which meet all the specific requirements of this type of industry in the European Union.
  • All trucks are equipped with a satellite surveillance system (Safe Fleet) and the Renault Optifleet telematics module.
  • Car transports have a transport capacity of 8-11 cars, depending on the size

Technical specifications

Car carriers

International network

Our company is strategically positioned in logistics, geographically covering Romania and offering integrated logistics services. We carry out over 7000 transport orders monthly on the territory of Romania.

Modern vehicles

The Dumagas fleet is composed of state-of-the-art trucks with the Euro 6 pollution standard. The trucks have GPS tracking systems and real-time communication stations with the driver.

Insured cargo

We undertake by contract the liability for the right management of the goods, both during transport and during storage, Dumagas being covered by insurance policies for the goods, including 3PL.

Qualified staff

We rigorously select our drivers and subcontractors. We constantly carry out specialization courses, and our staff fully respects the rules of safety and labor protection.

24/7 security

We ensure the 24/7 security of the goods by a video surveillance system, motion sensors and 24/7 security personnel. We rigorously track shipments and service delivery.

International transport services

The transport activity is carried out throughout the EU. Our team includes competent transport managers, speakers of international languages.

Tot ce trebuie să ştiţi despre soluţiile noastre de transport

  • Punem la dispoziţie atât servicii în sistem “camion plin” (FTL-full truck loads), cât şi grupaj intern/internaţional (LTL)
  • Dispunem de resursele necesare pentru efectuarea serviciilor de transport în ţările din Uniunea Europeană, Balcani şi Europa de Est 
  • Flota Dumagas este compusă din camioane de ultimă generaţie cu norma de poluare Euro 6 
  • Camioanele noastre dispun de sisteme de urmarire GPS, staţii de comunicare în timp real cu şoferul, pentru o gestionare eficientă a serviciului de transport. Clientul poate oricând să fie informat cu privire la mărfurile transportate, la poziţia camioanelor, prin intermediul sistemului integrat de urmărire prin satelit-Infofleet, şi cu privire timpul de tranzit
  • Deţinem sisteme de culegere a comenzilor de transport şi de informare a clientului pe platforma informatică Dumagas.
  • Prioritizăm siguranţa rutieră şi a mărfii transportate. În acest scop, ne selectăm în mod riguros conducătorii auto, precum şi subcontractanţii. Efectuăm permanent cursuri de specializare şi depunem eforturi pentru responsabilizarea angajaţilor şi subcontractanţilor şi pentru creşterea profesionalismului în activitatea desfăşurată
  • Planificăm şi urmărim cu rigurozitare transporturile şi urmărim derularea serviciilor prin intermediul unui program informatic dedicat, numit “Transmanager”(TMS-Transport Management System)
  • Flota noastră este echipată şi pentru transport ADR, iar şoferii sunt instruiţi pentru transportul de mărfuri periculoase.
  • Lunar efectuăm peste 7000 de comenzi de transport pe teritoriul României şi oriunde în Europa

Dumagas performance

active trucks
0 +
covered countries
0 +
driven km
0 mln.+

The right transport services make the difference

Together we will outline a tailored solution, adapted to your business.

Customer Reviews

The Dumagas team is expanding!
We are Hiring a Professional Distribution Driver for Lidl Client in Germany
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